Tutor Time
Tutorial sessions in the Polden Campus take place at the beginning of the day to allow the tutor group to review the previous school day, praise for rewards and to make students aware if they have a detention that day. It also allows all students to ensure they have the correct equipment for their learning and to resolve any concerns a student may have that day.
All tutorial sessions are structured to be purposeful therefore each session has been carefully planned.
Tutor Reading Lessons
In line with Bridgwater College Academy’s Curriculum Intent and our commitment to reading across the school, our tutor time is followed by a 20 minute reading lesson in tutor groups. This takes place four times a week for year 7 to 10, and at least twice a week for year 11. Throughout the year, our tutor groups wills read a range of texts together with the lessons planned to support the development of comprehension and vocabulary skills.
It has been proven that students who have extended texts read to them with momentum allows for all readers to effectively engage in complex/unfamiliar texts, develops vocabulary and embeds reading as a natural practice (which is required in all subjects being studied).
Reading Aloud
"Reading aloud is an advertisement for reading" - Jim Trelease - Read Aloud Handbook
Hearing stories read aloud strengthens speaking, listening, writing, reading and comprehension skills. It increases vocabulary, helps students appreciate the beauty and rhythm of language, enhances imagination and observation skills, improves critical and creative thinking skills, expands a student's general knowledge and understanding, develops positive attitudes towards books as a source of pleasure and information and helps to create life-long readers.
For a list of books that students will be reading during their tutor reading lessons, Reading List
BCA Tutorial Overview 2023-24