Year 5
Week One
Please click here for the week one work sheet for online student learning.
In order to complete the MFL task on the Seneca Learning assignment, please follow these steps:
- Click on the link and click on sign up.
- Ask someone at home to use their email address.
- Type in your full name and set a password.
- Click classes and assignments.
- Enter the following code: oa02kn7vdg
- Complete the assignment.
Remember to write down the email address you use and the password you set.
Week Two
Please click here for the week two work sheet for online student learning.
Week Three and Four
Please click here for the week three and four work sheet for online student learning.
Other useful websites - Sign up for free and access thousands of e-books. - audio books for children. - Picture of the day with writing stimulus and sentence starters/questions etc. Can also re-create as ART? POTD instead of POTM
Year 5/6 Science:
Adaptation, inheritance and evolution
Use the information to produce any one of the following:
- Mind map​
- Poster
- PowerPoint
- Art work (sketch, painting, model etc.)
10 Things To Do Challenge!
How many of these activities can you complete?
*hold an indoor treasure hunt
*build a fort
*bake a cake
*set up a home cinema
*learn to play a card game
*play a board game
*put on a play
*do a good deed for someone at home
*make a paper plane and measure how far it will fly
*write a letter to a loved one - minimum 3/4 page of A4
You will earn 5 achievement points for each completed activity (evidence will be needed)
Story starter! She waded out into the shallows. Waves of water lapped up against her bare legs, sending a chill up her already trembling body. She stole a glance back at what she had left behind on the shore. |