Mental Health and Wellbeing Ideas and Support for Parents
New Webinars Available Now
Exam Wellbeing - Supporting your child through exams
Supporting your child with their feelings and emotions
Transitions - Supporting your child with changes in their life
Connecting with your child - Course for Dads to help tune into their kids
Parent/carer wellbeing and caring for their children
Parent & Carer ToolkitAdditional resources below can be found on this link:
7 ways to support children and young people who are worried
Addressing emotionally-based school avoidance
Advice for parents and carers: talking mental health with young people at primary school
Advice for parents and carers: talking mental health with young people at secondary school
Helping children and young people to manage anxiety.
Further additional resources below:
Parenting & Mental HealthFLASH - Families Learning About Self Harm
Calling all Parents & Carers!
The MHST (Mental Health Support Team) are offering a series of free helpful webinars over the Summer and Autumn.
- Supporting your child’s mental health & wellbeing
- Supporting your child with change & transitions (moving schools)
- Supporting your child’s big feelings
- Understanding & supporting anxiety & low mood
Find out more & register here: