Message from CHIEF Executive OFFICER
Message from Peter Elliott - Chief Executive Officer
Welcome to the Bridgwater College Academy a safe, happy and vibrant learning environment, where every student is encouraged and expected to reach their full potential.
We are Somerset's first 'all-through' Academy with students from 3 to 16 years old based in the primary and secondary phases. At the Bridgwater College Academy everything we do is for the benefit of our students. We are immensely proud of our learning community which genuinely cares for the well-being and development of all of our young people and we are committed to ensuring each child is able to accomplish his or her personal best – regardless of ability or background. I will continue to ensure that we will reward effort, celebrate achievement and hard work and recognise that every student is an individual with different interests and skills.
With our dedicated teachers that are able to bring learning to life, we fully appreciate the importance of providing a good quality education. Our approach, however, goes much further than robust academic study and examination results.